~~ INFINITE LOVE ~~ True love, a passionate, committed spiritual love.
Each soul living in a separate world.
But when two souls come together the world becomes one.
Two hearts, two souls lifted, feel it, experience it.
The joy that surrounds the inner spirit.
The gentle caresses, the sweet whispers.
The serene silence of the moments.
Look deep into the eyes, the windows to the soul.
Seek the depth of his or her mind and heart.
Storms gather when least expected and shatters lives,
But true love, compassion, tenderness can overcome.
Grasp the moments when true love can calm fear and pain.
Hold hands and travel into the future.
Love is profound, and goes far beyond the realm of sensual chemistry.
True love is loyality, faithfulness, and respect, that
embodies the heart, soul, and mind.
Love bonds the inner spirit between a man and woman.
Sincere love, can happen in any season of one's life.
From the young at heart, to the hearts of those in their golden years.
No amount of wealth, or possessions, can
take the place of deeply felt love.
Don't dwell on things you have lost, or give up your dreams
Or you will lose the excitement of who you are.
The essence of true love, does not fade.
Nor does true friendship.
And remember dear family and friends --- God and Jesus love you too.
Written November 2005
Designed by ©Barbara L. Chambers Carter aka Bluejay12
Copyrights 1972~2019
Song title: Power Of Love